Left 4 dead 2 – Review!

Review time!

I recently bought l4d2 on steam, and have been playing the life out of it. Ive spent 5 hours ingame within 10 hours of owning it. I think its a amazing game, and here are my reasons why and why not to buy it!

MultiPlayer: The multiplayer comes in many forms, Co-op campaign, where you can play through the campaigns as Louis, Francis, Zoey, Bill, Coach, Ellis, Rochelle and Nick. There is also survival,  where the survivors try to survive as long as possible, Infected vs Survivors, where players take control of the survivors and the special Infected in a deathmatch type mode, Mutation, which is basicaly hard core,  and alot of others. Ive only tried the ones listed, and they are pretty awesome. My fav would have to be Infected vs Survivors. I love coordinating attacks and wiping out the other team completely.

Workshop: Oh god. The steam workshop allows users to create their own content. This can help, people can fix glitches and improve aspects of the game, but it also allows for all zombies and survivors to change. Teletubbies. I replaced the regular zombies with teletubbies. It was pants-crapping scary. You can change the tank to shrek, the witch to Osama bin Laden, and the charger to wreck it Ralph. It produces alot of scares.

Teamwork: Teamwork is essential to Left 4 Dead more than any other game. Not only will the extra firepower help, but it can produce amazing results. I was manning the mini gun fending off a horde while the NPCs were healing me and knocking away the survivors. Together, you can be unstoppable. But why not go alone? You will die. Trust me on this. if the hordes dont get you, several Types of special zombies can completely incapacitate a survivor if they are all alone. Plus, if you go down,  you ain’t gonna get back up.

Special Infected: The special infected are mutated zombies that are rarer, but much more powerful. They are: The boomer, who barfs on survivors or explodes and covers them in zombie attracting bile. the Spitter, who spits out acid that can easily kill a Trapped player. The smoker, who wraps its tounge around you and drags you towards it, and can kill you easily if you get torn away from the group. The Charger, who tackles the player and can send the others flying, and in capacities the unfortunate soul caught in its charge. The Hunter, who pounces from long distances and can incapicate the player. The jockey, who grabs onto the player and gets control of them. Its very usefull on rooftop levels. Now we get into the two strongest in my opinion. The Witch isnt automatically hostile, but can be very deadly if shot, shined on, or if a player gets to close. They are easily detected by their loud crying. The Tank. This guy is OP. He has a Huge amount of health, and is very strong. He can knock players far and throw rubble. It is very hard to kill without teamwork and ALOT of firepower.

And now, what I found bad.

Singleplayer: since I rarely have access to good internet which is only avalible at my fathers, I dislike the lack of single player content. All of the gamemodes are multiplayer except for campaign and thats it. If I had survival I would be happy, but just campaign is very annoying. The camp gain lasts for a long time, but after that I need internet access to do anything new.

Overall Score: Mauled Nick / 10

TheGamingLoser Out!

Happy 2016!

Omg, its here! 2016, its here.

Id like to wish whoever views this to have a wonderful new year.

Now, to discuss my pland for 2016. Im sorry for bot updating, ive just had some personal trouble. My internet here is limited, so I cant do daily stuff, only weekly and monthly. Moving soon, to a nice little house with plenty of internet, so maybe the daily stuff can start then. Political Animald will be suspended until school is back in, since it is the only photoshop access I have.

Anyway, Happy New Year,
TheGamingLoser out!